This piece shows a person facing to the right. The person is collaged together with masculine and feminine features. There is a circle exposing the skull. The eye is one of a lion's and is yellow. The front of the face is a greyscale feminine face that has a sharp nose, long eyelashes, smaller lips, and rectangular eyebrows., There is a brown mustache added on. The back of the face is a light brown skin tone with dark brown hair of 4b texture. The hair is digitally pulled back into tendrils going to the left. There is drawn on blocky sideburns in black. The clothing combines a white button up collar of real fabric with a drawn historical garment that is dark blue, with grey and white accents, and has a masculine fit and is full of frills. Coming out of the back of the head is a glitchy purple and black brain on top of a symbol with the feminine, masculine, and androgynous symbols combined. This symbol is black, with white cursive text in it stating the names of "third genders" found in native groups throughout the world. Surrounding this piece are some insects, including a blue rhino beetle in the bottom left, a green beetle in the top left, and a green butterfly in the bottom right. The background is a galaxy full of stars that gets brighter around the symbol.
Made using Adobe Photoshop.

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